Switched Rack PDU
Main screen status fields.
•A Stat field reports the Rack PDU status.
Stat : P+ N+ A+
• A Rack PDU model and name field reports the status of the Rack PDU.
For example:
Switched Rack PDU: Communication Established
P+ The APC operating system (AOS) is functioning properly.
N+ The network is functioning properly.
N? A BOOTP request cycle is in progress.
N– The Rack PDU failed to connect to the network.
N! Another device is using the IP address of the Rack PDU.
A+ The application is functioning properly.
A– The application has a bad checksum.
A? The application is initializing.
A! The application is not compatible with the AOS.
If the AOS status is not P+, contact APC Worldwide Customer
Support, even if you can still access the Rack PDU.