Battery Management System
How to recover from a lost password
You can use a local computer that connects to the Battery Management
System through the serial port on the rear of the master unit.
1. Select a serial port at a local computer, and disable any service that
uses the port.
2. Reset the DIP switch #6 and #7 to the OFF postion.
3. Use the configuration cable (APC part number 940-0103) to connect
the selected port to the serial port on the rear panel of the master unit.
4. Run a terminal program (such as HyperTerminal
) on your computer
and configure the selected port as follows:
– 9600 bps (or 19200 bps, if you are using Modbus configured at that
– 8 data bits
– no parity
– 1 stop bit
– no flow control
Modbus and the control console share a common serial port.
You can use either one or the other to access the Battery
Management System. If you reconfigure the DIP switches to
switch from Modbus to the control console, you must restart
the computer for the changed to take effect
See also
If you are using Modbus to access the Battery Management
System, you must configure the DIP switches. For DIP switch
configuration, see “Configure the DIP Switches” in the
Installation and Quick Start Manual (.\doc\en\insguide.pdf),
provided in Portable Document Format (PDF) on the APC
Battery Management System Utility CD and in printed form.