
terminal on the controller.
C. Expansion Modules: Delta DDC
1. The Controls contractor shall follow the specifications shown in the Delta Hardware
Installation Guide unless stated otherwise herein.
2. The use of Delta DCC expansion Modules shall be pre-approved by the University
HVAC Shop.
3. Expansion modules can be used only with authorizations from HVAC shop.
D. Infilinks Installation Need revision from Delta for this section
1. The Controls contractor shall follow the specifications shown in the Delta Hardware
Installation Guide unless stated otherwise herein.
2. Use an Infilink I2200 to connect controllers in a building together.
3. Use an Infilink I2210 to connect controllers between buildings.
4. When Infilink I2210s are required, Controls Contractor shall supply two Infilinks.
5. To series Infilinks together communication wires shall be connected to Port 1.
6. Only 2 pair on port 1.
7. Only 1 pair on ports 2-5
A. Metal Oxide Varistors (MOV) on Outputs:
1. Install MOVs across all inductive loads being switched by an output from an Delta
controller. This includes all relay coils, solenoid coils (E/Ps), etc. Install the MOV
across the coil of the device. Use an MOV rated for the voltage of the coil.
B. Grounding the Shield on Communication Wiring:
1. The shield on communication wiring should be grounded in only one location per
building. The connection point for the shield wire on LCX and SCX panels is not
grounded. Connect the shield to this terminal on each panel just for consistency. The
standard grounding location for each building shall be at the Infilink (see 3.03,C).
2. Tape any exposed shield wiring so that it cannot short-out on the Infilink housing or
other source.
C. Splices in Communication Wiring: