Each stored track point consumes space in memory. You
can store up to 2,000 track points.
When track history is “ON,” points are stored in memory.
Your track history displays on the moving map screens as a
series of dots showing your flight path. Each dot indicates
a stored point. When track history is “OFF,” no track
points are stored or shown on the moving map screens.
You can select the track point storage strategy. Select
“FOREVER” to continuously store points, starting again
and writing over existing points when memory becomes
full, or select “UNTIL FULL” to stop storing points when
memory becomes full.
You can also control the storage interval for track points.
Saving points by “DISTANCE” allows you to select a
distance interval to determine when each track point is
stored. Similarly, saving points by “TIME” allows you to
select the minutes and seconds interval for each track
“USED” shows you the percentage of memory space used
for track point storage.If you wish toemptythe memory of
track points, select “CLEAR?” and choose “YES.”
This option controls whether or not and when the Apollo
360 should alert you of arrival at a destination.
If youchoose “YES” for the alert message, the arrival alert
will show on the display to advise you of arrival at a
destination waypoint.
P/N 560-0119-00 4-7
Apollo 360 Map Display Menu Function Options