or course reversal is required - this usually depends on
the direction of flight).
MAP Missed Approach Point
MAHP Missed Approach Holding Point
ARC A DME arc terminator. The preceding flight plan leg
is described as an arc to this waypoint. An ARC
waypoint may follow another ARC waypoint.
APPR An intermediate approach waypoint. These are
sometimes used as step-down fixes or to define a
course to the next approach waypoint.
An Apollo GX TSO C129a approach will always
begin at an IAF. It will always contain at a minimum
an IAF, FAF, MAP, and MAHP sequence. The IAF
and FAF may be combined. Waypoints may be used
more than once; the same waypoint could be the IAF,
the MAP, and the MAHP; however, TSO C129a
non-precision approaches require that there always be
a distinct FAF to MAP leg. Intermediate waypoints,
of type APPR or ARC, may be anywhere in the
sequence except between the FAF and the MAP.
The following example uses the VOR DME RWY 12
GPS-overlay approach to Baker City Oregon.
The Apollo GX has a flight plan loaded from the
Salem, Oregon airport to the Deschutes VOR, DSD,
to the Baker City airport, BKE. An approach, the
VOR DME RWY 12 approach with the D272Y
(waypoint on the BKE VOR 272 radial at 25 nm.)
IAF is selected and loaded. When viewing the flight
plan legs, the following legs may be viewed.
1 100° 82.6nm
DSD to D272Y
2* 052° 134nm
Approach Notes