In the Nav function, turn the LARGE knob to view the
Altitude Assist page. The diamond in the corner notes
that turning the
SMALL knob will show the Encoder
Altitude, Auto Descent, End Altitude, and Hold
Altitude, and Buffer values.
Altitude Assist
Local Altimeter
Setting 29.92" ·
Setting the Local Altimeter Value
1. While viewing the Altitude Assist page, press
The setting value will flash. The default barometric
pressure setting is 29.92".
If an Air/Data Sensor is installed and
provides corrected baro-altitude, barometric
altitude will be displayed instead of the
altimeter setting.
Altitude Assist
Local Altimeter
Setting 29.92
2. Turn the
SMALL knob to change the values. Press
ENTER when complete.
Altitude Assist
Local Altimeter
Setting 29.92" ·
Encoder Altitude
The altitude information received from the altitude
sensor is displayed on this page if an altitude encoder
or F/ADC is installed. You cannot change these
Encoder Altitude
Navigation Basics