User Manual version 2207
APOLLO 120/150 III
When Recalibration is Necessary
Once calibrated, the touchscreen will be ready to run
automatically each time the system is restarted.
Recalibration should only be necessary after moving or
resizing the video image, or after changing either the
touchscreen, controller, or monitor.
Type "DEMOCAL" or click on “Calibrate” in the Windows
Touchscreen Control Panel to re-run the calibration sequence.
You may wish to delete the demonstration program from your
hard disk after you have run it. This will free approximately
1.7 Mbytes of disk space. Delete EloDEMO.EXE, *PIC,*.IMG,
and *.BGI, typically found in the \TOUCH directory.
MonitorMouse for Windows
Delete CURSOFF.EXE and Elo.BMP from the \WINDOWS
directory. Delete MONMOUSE.DRV, VMMD.386, EloCALW.*,
and OEMElo.INF from \WINDOWS\SYSTEM. Delete the lines
indicated by comments as added by Elo from your
SYSTEM.INI file. Delete the [EloCalW] section from WIN.INI.
Run Winodws Setup and re-select your mouse.
All Elo Software
Delete the Elo directory (typically \TOUCH) and then follow
the above instructions to delete MonitorMouse for Windows if
necessary. Remove any lines for EloDEV, MONMOUSE,
NOMOUSE, and TCHBACK from AUTOEXEC.BAT as necessary.