
104 Chapter 7 Initial Server Setup
7 Enter the setup data as you move through the Assistant’s panes, following the
onscreen instructions.
8 In the Language pane, choose File > Open Configuration File or File > Open Directory
Record to load the saved setup data you want to work with. If the saved setup data is
encrypted, type the passphrase when prompted.
Optionally choose View > Jump to Review to review the setup data, then use Go Back
as necessary to change it.
9 In the Network Interfaces pane, click Add to specify network interfaces.
10 After all the setup data has been specified, review the summary displayed by Server
Assistant and optionally click Go Back to change data.
11 Click Save As, then select “Directory Record.” All the settings you specified except the
server serial number are saved. Later in this process you’ll use Server Admin to enter
the serial number after a target server has been set up.
12 To encrypt the file, select “Save in Encrypted Format” then enter and verify a
You must supply the passphrase before an encrypted directory record can be used by a
target server.
13 Navigate to /AutoServerSetup/ in the directory where you want to save the setup,
name the setup record, and click OK. When prompted, enter information required to
authenticate yourself as a domain administrator.
Target servers search for record names in the following order:
<MAC-address-of-server> (include any leading zeros but omit colons). For example,
<IP-address-of-server>. For example,
<partial-host-name-of-server>. For example, myserver.
<built-in-hardware-serial-number-of-server> (first 8 characters only). For example,
<full-host-name-of-server>. For example, myserver.example.com.
<partial-IP-address-of-server>. For example, 10.0 (matches and
generic (a record that any server will recognize, used to set up servers that need the
same setup values).
14 Make sure the proper infrastructure is in place so that servers you want to use the
stored setup record can find it.
The directory server storing the setup record needs to be running. DHCP needs to be
configured to identify the directory server to the target servers using Option 95. In
addition, you may need to have DNS configured if your directory data includes host
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