Chapter 9 Mail 47
Note: If your account is set to archive messages, you’ll see an Archive button instead of a
Trash button.
Choose which mailbox appears on Apple Watch. Open the Apple Watch app on iPhone, tap My
Watch, then go to Mail > Include Mail. You can specify only one mailbox, although if you don’t
choose a mailbox, you’ll see content from all inboxes.
Customize alerts. Open the Apple Watch app on iPhone, tap My Watch, then turn on Mail >
Show Alerts. Tap each account or group, turn on the option to be alerted, then choose Sound
or Haptic.
If your message list is too long. To make your mail list more compact, you can reduce the
number of lines of preview text shown for each email in the list. Open the Apple Watch app
on iPhone, tap My Watch, go to Mail > Message Preview, then choose to show 2 lines of the
message, 1 line, or none.
See 0, 1, or 2 lines
of a message.
Customize alerts for
accounts or VIPs.