
Specifications .............................................................................. Page 3
Rules for Safe Operation ............................................................. Page 4-5
General Overview of Aquastar .................................................... Page 6
Locating the Heater for Safe Proper Combustion........................ Page 7
Installation ................................................................................... Page 8
Connecting Gas and Water Lines & Pressure Relief Valve ......... Page 9-10
Vent Pipe Connection .................................................................. Page 10
Safety Before Lighting .................................................................Page 11
Lighting Instructions .................................................................... Page 11
Setting Water Temperature.......................................................... Page 12
Maintenance & Service ............................................................... Page 12-14
Trouble Shooting ......................................................................... Page 14-18
Cleaning Pilot Assembly .............................................................. Page 19
Calibration and Thermostat Test.................................................. Page 20-21
Description of Operation and Parts Layout Diagrams ................. Page 22-26
Gas Line Size, Vent Size & Height Guide Lines .......................... Page 27
This well engineered, tankless gas water
heater has all the features a water heater
should have:
The instantaneous principle of heating water is
very simple. Cold water enters the heater when
a hot water faucet is opened. This flow of wa-
ter causes the gas valve to open. Gas flows to
the burners and is ignited by the pilot flame.
The heat exchanger then absorbs the heat gen-
erated by the burners and transfers it to the
cold water as it travels through the heat ex-
changer. When the hot water is turned off, the
gas valve automatically closes and the burn-
ers shut off. Your hot water faucet is an igni-
tion key for hot water. You now have complete
control over your hot water energy use. [See
pages 22-26 for detailed Description of Opera-
tion and Parts Layout Diagrams].
Automatic thermostatic control for steady
hot water temperature. Burner output is
proportional to water flow for maximum
energy efficiency.
Safety thermocouple at pilot and burner.
Automatic Energy Cut-Off mechanism.
Built-in gas shut-off valve.
Stainless steel burners with stabilized blue
Built-in corrosion resistant draft inducer.
Long working life insured by heavy-duty
high quality materials.
Compact space saver: mounts on wall with
four screws.
Easy installation.
gpm (removable) flow restrictor to
ensure water flow will never exceed heater