From a remote pc, you can directly open a web browser and enter
the IP address. Then enter user name and password to login and
start your management. You can nd the rmware update feature
in the browser console, System Controls.
Upgrading Entire Flash ROM ImageThrough
Arcash DOS Utility
Areca now offers an alternative means of communication for the
PCI-X/PCIe SATA RAID controller – Upgrade the entire Flash ROM
image. User can upgrade the entire Flash ROM image without
needing system starting up running the ArcHttp proxy. The
Arcash utility program is a DOS application, which runs in the
DOS operating system. To ensure proper communications between
the PCI-X/PCIe SATA RAID controller and upgrade DOS utility,
Please make a bootable DOS oppy diskette from other Windows
operating system and boot up the system from this bootable DOS
oppy diskette.
New releases Flash ROM image is available in the form of a DOS
le. The le available for each model contains the following format
in each version:
Flash ROM Image Binary Code (where “XXXX”
refers to the model name)
Normally, Areca strongly recommends customer uses the McRAID
manager to upgrade the rmware. ARCXXXROM.BIN doesn't
include in the shipped CD and Areca’s web site. It is for customer’s
emergency recover purpose only.
• Hardware Setup
To ensure proper communications between the RAID adapter
and the DOS arcash utility program, Short the Mode 0 Flash
jumper cap in the manufacture port to enter the upgrading entire
ash ROM function. Please be sure of removing the cap after you
completed the ash ROM image. This way let the Adapter work in
the normal mode.