5.2 For Linux
You must have administrative level permissions to install SATA
RAID software. This procedure assumes that the SATA RAID hard-
ware and Linux are installed and operational in your system.
The following details the Linux installation procedure of the SATA
RAID controller software.
1. Insert the SATA RAID controller CD in the CD-ROM drive.
2. Copy <CD-ROM>\PACKAGES\Linux\http directory to local
3. Setting up the "archttpsrv.conf" of ArcHttp conguration.
For example: General Conguration, Mail Conguration, SNMP
Click on the start button in the Windows 2000/XP task bar and
then click Program, select the McRAID and run “ ArcHttp proxy
server”. The ArcHttp dialog box appears.
1. When you select “Controller#01(PCI)” then click “Start”
button. Then web broswer appears.
2. If you select “Cfg Assistant” then click “Start” button.
The ArcHttp Conguration apperas. (please refer to section 5.6
ArcHttp Conguration)