Model 926016, 017, 021, 022, 023, 302, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 500, 501, 502
Item Part No. Qty. Description
1 52602000 1 Handlebar, Upper Right Hand with Handwarmer
2 52601900 1 Handlebar, Upper Left Hand with Handwarmer
3 06220200 2 Bolt, Round Head Square Neck .31-18 x 1.75 Grade 5
4 06220100 2 Bolt, Round Head Square Neck .25-20 x 1.25
5 06529700 2 Nut, Locking Center .25-20
6 00373251 1 Handlebar, Lower
7 00393000 1 Lever, Right Hand-Attachment
8 00393100 1 Lever, Left Hand-Traction
9 02492100 2 Cam, Interlock
10 06714500 2 Pin, Spring Clip
11 52603700 AR Panel with Control HW Decal (016, 017, 021, 022, 302, 311, 314, 315
52603800 AR Panel-with Control 12V Decal (023, 312, 313, 316, 500, 501)
52603900 AR Panel-with Control BRUSH Decal (502)
12 00432500 1 Light, Halogen Assembly
13 00432600 1 Bulb, Light, Halogen
14 07416700 3 Screw, Tapping 10-16 x .75 Hi-Lo
15 06221600 4 Bolt, Round Head Square Neck .31-18 x 2.25
16 07500005 4 Spacer, Handlebar
17 07531700 4 Knob, Wing .312-18
18 07028500 4 Bolt, Screw Hex Flanged Whiz Lock Head .38-16 x .75 (016, 017, 310, 311, 312, 313, 500,
501, 502)
07028500 2 Bolt, Screw Hex Flanged Whiz Lock Head .38-16 x .75 (021, 022, 023, 314, 315, 316)
19 06542000 4 Nut, Locking-Top-Flange .38-16 (016, 017, 310, 311, 312, 313, 500, 501, 502)
06542000 8 Nut, Locking-Top-Flange .38-16 (021, 022, 023, 314, 315, 316)
20 00384500 2 Grip, Clutch Lever
21 06529800 4 Nut, Locking-Center .31-18
22 05958500 4 Bolt-Hex .38-16X1.50 Grade 5 (021, 022, 023, 314, 315, 316)
23 05500435 6 Bushing, Flange .385 x .500 x .875 x .406 (021, 022, 023, 314, 315, 316)
24 08305800 2 Spring, Tension .080 x .470 x 4.88 Weldment 30 (021, 022, 023, 314, 315, 316)
25 05948700 2 Bolt, Hex .38-16 x 1.00 Grade 5 (021, 022, 023, 314, 315, 316)
26 00670051 1 Adjuster, Height-Foot (021, 022, 023, 314, 315, 316)
27 05500026 4 Bushing, POLYLINER-.50 Split 222-B (021, 022, 023, 314, 315, 316)
28 02968100 2 Spacer, Tube .384 x .500 x .860 (021, 022, 023, 314, 315, 316)