Model 021, 022, 023, 314, 315, 316
Item Part No. Qty. Description
23 52604200 1 Axle, SHORT-TRACK With Bushings (includes 21 and 22)
24 00660751 2 Runner, Guide-TRACK
25 06215700 4 Bolt, Round Head Square Neck .31-18 x .75 Grade 5
26 52604700 1 Wheel, Boggie w/Bearings (includes 6 and 7)
27 06529200 4 Nut, Hex .31-18
28 06437200 2 Washer, Flat Steel .344 x .688 x .065
29 05500140 4 Bushing, Sleeve .766 x 1.125 x .500
30 05400232 4 Bearing, Flange-1.004/1.000" ID
31 00669951 1 Side Plate, Left Hand-TRACK
32 05967100 1 Bolt, Hex .25-20 x 2.00 Grade 5
33 06529700 1 Nut, Locking-Center .25-20
34 06400012 1 Washer, Flat-Nylon 1.38 x 2.00 x .25
35 00661251 1 Plate, Bearing Spacer