MAX-AVP Audio-Video Player
Screensaver Operation
Screensaver timeout is a parameter that is set through the setup pages.
The default setting is 30 minutes.
The screensaver countdown is reset by reception of any IR code from the Remote Controller.
The screensaver is disabled when video playback is active and not paused.
If the screensaver timeout is set to 0, the screensaver is disabled.
If the screensaver timeout is set to any non-zero value (1-30 minutes inclusive):
After screensaver timeout minutes have elapsed with no activity, the screen dims to
3/4 the current level.
After a second screensaver timeout period with no activity, the screen dims to 0
levels (black screen).
After a third screensaver timeout period with no activity, the AVP’s outputs are
turned off, and the unit automatically enters standby mode (see below).
Standby Mode
If the POWER key is pressed or the screensaver times out 3x consecutively, the unit enters “standby
mode.” If playback was in progress when standby mode is entered, the playback is automatically stopped
and a placeholder is saved if possible.
Entering STANDBY mode
When the unit is ON, press the POWER key on the remote.
2. When the unit has been idle or content has been paused for the configured screensaver timeout time,
the screensaver will be activated. If the unit remains idle or paused for a second screensaver timeout
period, it will automatically stop any in-progress material and enter STANDBY.
Exiting STANDBY mode / Entering ON mode
When the unit is in STANDBY mode:
1. Press the POWER key on the remote. The user is taken to a splashscreen / intro screen.
2. Press the MAX key on the remote. The user is taken to the MAX menu if the unit is connected to a
MAX server, or prompted to enter the setup screens otherwise.
3. Press the SETUP key on the remote. The user is prompted to enter the setup screens.
4. Press the PLAY key on the remote. If a disc is in the DVD drive, it will begin playing.
5. Eject the disc in the DVD drive. The unit will not wake up if there is no disc to eject.
6. Insert a disc in the DVD drive. The disc will automatically begin playing.
7. Issue a command from WinMAX (or the MAX server) to play content.
8. Issue a command from the MAX server to update the firmware of the AVP.
Any event which resets the screensaver countdown wakes the screensaver until the
unit goes to standby, at which point only activities which bring the unit out of
standby are accepted.
This is a feature intended to protect Plasma and CRT displays from screen burn-in,
and to allow some displays to automatically shut off when they detect that the signal
is no longer present.