Technical Data
Film formats
35 mm 2, 3, 4-perforation
16 mm and Super 16 (option)
Imaging device
Custom CMOS area sensor with piezo actuator for microscanning
Native resolution: 3K x 2K
Max. resolution with microscanning: 6K x 4K
High power LEDs (R, G, B, IR) with feedback
control for optimum long-term stability
Optical system Custom Zeiss/ARRI lens with Adjustable pitch and Autofocus
2K downsampled from 3K or 6K
4K downsampled from 6K
3K native 6K native
Bit depth
Single exposure: 14-bit
Double exposure: true 16-bit
Downsample lters
User adjustable from crisp to soft
Film characteristics are preserved
Optimized for high contrast, intermediate, camera negative
Film transport
Mechanical pin registration
Fully computerized transport with adjustable parameters (speed, ramping,
tension), 2 PTRs
Shuttle speed 0.3 m/s, 1.0 m/s, 2.0 m/s (35 mm only)
Frame rate
(Standard conguration)
2K (3K native): 1 fps
4K, 2K (6K native): 0.25 fps
Frame rate
(Speed Pack 1 option)
2K (3K native): 4 fps
4K, 2K (6K native): 1 fps
Frame rate
(Digital Dailies Base Package option)
2K (3K native): 5 fps
2K (single exposure): 8 fps
4K, 2K (6K native): 1.3 fps
Data formats
Cineon 10-bit log
DPX 10-bit log, 16-bit log, 16-bit lin
TIFF 16-bit
TIFF 8-bit (proxies only)
Color calibration Status M density, printing density, custom matrix, custom LUT
Application software
GUI on local touch screen and on remote PC via standard network connection;
Interactive job editor; Fast, automatic grey balance and base calibration;
Live preview during shuttling (Dailies Package only)
Customizable EDL importer
Keycode-based scanning
GUI and script-based job management
Direct connection to SAN via FC (ADIC, CXFS)
Native support for Quantel Gene Pool
NAS connection via 1G Ethernet (single or multi channel) or InniBand
Direct support of ftp protocol BrightClip enabled
Host OS RHEL 4 (kernel 2.6.9)
Remote OS Windows XP
Speed Pack 1
Digital Dailies Base Package
16 mm gate (and loop builders)
Kodak Digital Ice Technology for automated dust removal
Technical data are subject to change without notice.