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1.Switch the vehicle ignition and radio "on" .
2.Press and hold the T/F button until the time (hour) display begins to flash.
3.With the hour display flashing, press the TUNE - button to decrement the
hours indication, or the TUNE + button to increment the hour indication.
4.Press and hold the T/F button again until the minutes display begins to flash.
Adjust the minutes display in the same manner described for the hours indic-
ation in step 3.
5.Five seconds after the last hour or minute adjustment is made, the time will
be set into the unit and the time indication remains steady. To return to the
frequency display, press the T/F button again;the display will return to the
time indication.
The radio portion of your new sound system does not require any miantenance.
We recommend you keep this maunal for general reference of the many fea-
tures found in this unit.
As with any cassette player,the cassette section of this sound system does re-
quire a minimum of maintenance to keep it in good working condition. The follow-
ing simple care and maintenance suggestions should be followed to prevent
malfunctions of the cassette system.
1.Purchase a cassette cleaning kit from your local retail store. Use it! At least
every 20 to 30 hours of operation you must clean the cassette mechanism.
A dirty cassette player will have a poor sound.
2.Do not use cassettes that exceed 45 minutes of play on each side.
3.Do not insert a cassette that appears to be broken, twisted or dirty or with
loose or torn labels on it.
4.Always keep your cassette away from direct sunlight or exposure to sub-
freezing conditions. If a cassette is cold, allow it to warm up before use.
5.Do not keep a cassette in the player when not in use.
6.Before inserting a cassette in the player, check that the tape is tightly
wound on the reels. Take up any excess slack using a pencil to turn the drive
hub in the cassette.
Although you may be familiar with both AM and FM reception in your home,
you will experience notable differences in reception while driving.Both AM
and FM provide excellent listening enjoyment and supply the diversified
entertainment necessary to relieve the boredom of hours behind the wheel.
FM reception, although unique in its characteristics while driving, provides a
different listening experience compared to that of AM.The few reception in-
conveniences common to FM are compensated by the rich sound quality of
its wide frequency response and stereo effect.Your new AM/FM radio has
been built to the strictest engineering standards available today and through
quality components and construction will provide maximum performance un-
der all conditions. A few minutes reading this section will enable you to obtain
the most from the unit and answer your questions about the differences be-
tween mobile AM and FM reception.
1.RECEPTION IN TUNNELS:Although you will lose AM reception when driv-
ing through tunnels and large bridges, it is common to continue to receive
FM reception under the same conditions.
2.THE NUMBER OF STATIONS IN YOUR AREA: Depending on your location,
you may find that you can receive a greater number of AM stations in your
area than FM stations.In most urban and suburban areas,the numbers of AM
and FM stations are comparable.
3.RECEPTION DURING STORMS: Local electrical thunderstorm activity often
produces sharp static sound when listening to AM stations although you
will find that FM is unaffected.
4.ELECTRICAL INTERFERENCE: When listening to AM stations,you may
experience some buzzing sounds or static when passing roadside electric
power lines which do not interfere with FM reception. Conversely, FM recep-
tion may be affected by electrical noise from passing cars and trucks while
AM reception is not affected.
5.FM RECEPTION RANGE:FM reception range is usually limited to about 50
miles from the broadcast station. FM signals radiate straight out from the
broadcast antenna and they do not follow the earth's curvature resulting
in "line-of-sight" reception range.
6.AM RECEPTION RANGE: AM stations can often be received hundreds of
miles from the broadcast station. AM signals follow the earth's curve and are
easily reflected back to earth by the atmosphere. Therefore an AM signal may
be more easily received far from the broadcast station antenna than an FM