
FriendlyNET FM2008/2009
29 User’s Manual
PVID (Port VID): Set the port VLAN ID that will be assigned to
untagged traffic on a given port. This feature is useful for
accommodating devices that you want to participate in the
VLAN but don’t support tagging. Only one untagged VLAN is
allowed per port
Ingress Filter 1: Matches Ingress Filtering Rule 1. If enabled,
drops any frame received by the port whose tag doesn’t match
the port’s configured VID. Press Spacebar to toggle between
Enable and Disable
Ingress Filter 2: Matches Ingress Filtering Rule 2. If enabled,
drops any frame without a VLAN tag. Press Spacebar to toggle
between Enable and Disable
Important! Enabling either of these filters may disrupt communication
through the switch. Please double-check your settings before saving
the VLAN settings. Create a VLAN Group
Create a VLAN and add tagged/untagged member ports to it.
VLAN Name:
Enter a name for the new VLAN
Enter a VID (between 2~4094). The default is 1
Protocol VLAN:
Press the
key to choose the protocol type