
*rebmuN traP étnasA noitpircseD ledoM
IntraCore 35516-G 12-port GBIC and 4 dual function ports GBIC/1000BaseT copper. Layer 2/3/4 99-00748-01
IntraCore 35516-T 12-port 10/100/1000BaseT and 4 dual function ports GBIC/1000T copper. Layer 2/3/4 99-00749-01
10-77700-99 61553/06153/8453CI rof CDV 21 ,ylppuS rewoP tnadnudeR ycnegremE 21SPE-53CI
10-90600-99 srotcennoc CS edomitlum CIBG XSesaB0001 **XS0001 CIBG
10-92600-99 mk01 edomelgnis/mk1 edomitlum CIBG XLesaB0001 **XL0001 CI
10-96700-99 mk02 edomelgnis CIBG HLesaB0001 **HL0001 CIBG
10-07700-99 mk021 edomelgnis CIBG ZLesaB0001 **ZL0001 CIBG
10-37600-99 sretem 001 latem CIBG TesaB0001 **T0001 CIBG
70-74600-99 sretem 001 citsalp CIBG PTesaB0001 **PT0001 CIBG
*For international part numbers, please refer to ASD Marketing. **See GBIC datasheet and Asante’s price list for additional GBIC’s and GBIC price bundles.
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IC35516-G (99-00748) IC25516-T (99-00749)
070808 IC35516 DS
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