1. Click on the port number from the Front Panel Information Screen
• You are now at the Port Configuration and Port Statistics screen. From this screen, you can set the port status,
auto-negotiation, flow control, and default priority. You also use this screen to view and manage traffic on a
specific port. The following is an example of the screen.
4. Set the defaults for the following:
a. Port Status (enable or disable); enabling this feature provides information about the selected port to use for
diagnostic and management activities
b. Auto-Negotiation (enable or disable); enabling this feature makes it possible for the switch to automatically
negotiate the fastest speed for transferring data
c. Flow control (enable or disable); enabling this makes use of the 802.3x full duplex and flow control feature
d. Default priority (0-Lowest, 7-Highest); using this configures the access port or the Class of Service (CoS)
default priority for the port
e. Security level (1- new node trap, 2- intruder lock port, 3- intruder lock MAC); using this feature protects the
network from unsolicited messages sent by an SNMP agent to an SNMP manager.
79 Asante IntraCore IC36240 User’s Manual