7.1.4 SVGA
SVGA in 800 x 600 mode is compressed both horizontally and vertically to
640 x 480 resolution. This feature is convenient when displaying irregular
images (like pictures, scanned images and coarse graphics).
Regular images (patterns, text and fine line graphics) may look distorted
due to the downsizing. In this case, we recommend setting up the
computer in 640x480 mode for a precise image.
7.1.5 VGA TEXT
VGA text is compressed correctly from 720 x 400 to 640 x 400 mode when
the image is positioned correctly. The characters maintain their shape, as
every ninth pixel is dropped horizontally between each character.
The contrast of an image is defined as the relation between dark and light
colors. An image of high contrast is often regarded as ‘hard’, as compared
to the ‘soft’ feeling of a low contrast image. Low contrast is recommended
for long term viewing, while high contrast is used to enhance details. Use
the CONTR keys on the remote control (RC) to adjust the contrast. Also
see Brightness. The contrast setting is stored individually for each mode.
The brightness is the amount of white in an image. The brightness is
adjusted to the ambient lighting conditions. Use the BRIGHT keys to adjust
brightness. See also Contrast. The brightness setting is stored individually
for each source.
7.1.8 TUNE
This feature enables a stable image. An unstable image can be seen as
sideways instability or ‘swimming’. Press TUNE until a stable image is
achieved. The setting is stored individually for each source.
7.1.9 ON/OFF
This switch controls the operation of the panel. When switched on, all
functions are active. When switched off, the automatic fan control is still
operating, but the image is turned white. The ON/OFF switch is a toggle