Page 27
Paddles, removing 21
Permanent press items 6
Pin trap, cleaning 21
Poison hotline 2
Polyester blends 9
Powder detergents 8
Power button
W6021 10
W6441 12
W6761 15
Preparing the laundry 6
Preset Programs (W6761) 16
Preset programs (W6761)
restoring 19
Problems (e.g., stains, etc.) 22, 23
Program buttons (W6761) 16
Program changes, temporary (W6761) 16
Program knob
W6021 10
W6441 12
Program menu (W6761) 18
Celsius or Fahrenheit (W6441) 14
Celsius or Farenheit (W6761) 19
child-safe start (W6441) 14
child-safe start (W6761) 20
Language 19
Menus 18
Programming instructions (W6761) 18
Programs 10, 13
W6021 10
W6441 13
W6761 16
Rayon and acetate 9
Recommended detergents 8
Recommended wash temps 9
Remaining time indication
W6021 10
W6441 12
W6761 15
Restoring preset programs (W6761) 19
Rinse cycles 3
Rips 23
Safety instructions 2
Sensitive skin, advice 6
Sensor Level Control 3
Serial number location 23
Service 25
Shipping supports 4
Shrinkage 22
Silk 9
Snags 23
Solutions to problems 23
Sorting the laundry 6
Specifications 4
Spin options 3, 9
Spin speed (W6761), temporarily changing 16
Spin Speed button (W6441) 13
Spin Speed menu (W6761) 19
Spray cleaner warning 21
Stacked installation 5
Stains 22
Start/Stop button 10, 12, 15
Super Rinse button
W6021 10
W6441 13
Super Rinse 3
Super Rinse option (W6761) 17
changing readout (W6441) 14
changing readout (W6761) 19
control 3
menu (W6761) 18
settings (W6761) 16
Temperature button (W6441) 13
Temperature stop error 20
Temporary program changes
(W6761) 16
Thermistor error 20
Troubleshooting 23
Type plate location on unit 23
Vibration, extreme 24
Warranty information 25
Wash motor error 20
Wash programs 9
options (W6761) 18
W6021 10
W6441 13
W6761 16
Wash temperature control 3
Wash temperatures 9
Washer features 3
Washing special items 22, 23
hardness 9
inlet error 20
leak 24
level control 3
outlet error 20
supply connection 4
Wear 23
Wool and wool blends 9
Wrinkling 23
Yellowing 22
INDEX (continued)