v02.54 (C)Copyright 1985-2003, American Megatrends, Inc.
Chipset Settings
OnBoard UAA Audio
OnBoard LAN
AGP Data Rate
AGP Aperture Size
AGP Fast Write
AGP SideBand Address
Primary Graphics Adapter
CPU-NB Link Speed
CPU-NB Kink Width
Select Screen
Select Item
+- Change Option
F1 General Help
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit
F9 Load Defaults
DRAM Voltage
To set DRAM Voltage.
AGP Voltage
OnBoard UAA Audio
Select [Auto], [Enabled] or [Disabled] for the onboard UAA Audio feature. If
you select [Auto], the onboard UAA Audio will be disabled when PCI Sound
Card is plugged.
OnBoard LAN
This allows you to enable or disable the onboard LAN feature.
AGP Data Rate
Use this item to adjust the AGP Data Rate. Configuration options: [8X], [4X].
The default value is [8X].
AGP Aperture Size
It refers to a section of the PCI memory address range used for graphics
memory. It is recommended to leave this field at the default value unless the
installed AGP card’s specifications requires other sizes. Configuration
options: [32MB], [64MB], [128MB], [256MB], and [512MB].
Chipset ConfigurationChipset Configuration
Chipset ConfigurationChipset Configuration
Chipset Configuration
Use this to adjust TRRD values. The default value is [Auto].
Use this to adjust TRC values. The default value is [Auto].
MA Timing
Use this to adjust values for MA timing. Configuration options: [Auto], [2T],
[1T]. The default value is [Auto].
Burst Length
Burst length can be set to 8, 4 or 2 beats. 64 Bit Dq must use the 4 beats.
Bank Interleaving
Interleaving allows memory accesses to be spread out over banks on the
same node, or accross nodes, decreasing access contention.