Your remote control works off a small, long-life 12-volt alkaline battery (GP-23A) that
should last up to 6 months. Range of your remote control can be affected by a weak
battery, interference from nearby metal structures, hydro poles, or crowded parking lots.
With an electronic CODE LEARNING device, up to three additional remote controls can
be programmed for your vehicle. See your dealer for replacement batteries or additional
remote controls.
(1-, 2- or 3-button remote)
To make sure that commands are transmitted properly, press desired button for 2
seconds. Indicator light will flash momentarily then remain on while transmitting
command. A command will not be transmitted properly if you do not press button long
enough (i.e., until indicator light goes out by itself).
Example: To start, press button "A” until indicator light goes out.
In most cases, your system will confirm that command has been received properly. This
will be done either by sounding horn (if horn was connected during installation) or
flashing parking lights. In this manual, confirmation signals are written in an abbreviated
form; for example:
(horn: 1, lights: 2) Means that horn will sound once and parking lights will flash twice.