EB1007P 9
Safety information
Your PC is designed and tested to meet the latest standards of safety
for information technology equipment. However, to ensure your
safety, it is important that you read the following safety instructions.
Setting up your system
• Readandfollowallinstructionsinthedocumentationbeforeyou
operate your system.
• Donotusethisproductnearwateroraheatedsourcesuchasa
• Setupthesystemonastablesurfacewiththeprovidedstand.
Never use the system alone without the stand.
• Openingsonthechassisareforventilation.Donotblockorcover
these openings. Make sure you leave plenty of space around the
system for ventilation. Never insert objects of any kind into the
ventilation openings.
• Usethisproductinenvironmentswithambienttemperatures
between 0˚C and 35˚C.
• Ifyouuseanextensioncord,makesurethatthetotalampere
rating of the devices plugged into the extension cord does not
exceed its ampere rating.
Care during use
• Donotwalkonthepowercordorallowanythingtorestonit.
• Donotspillwateroranyotherliquidsonyoursystem.
• Whenthesystemisturnedoff,asmallamountofelectrical
current still flows. Always unplug all power, modem, and network
cables from the power outlets before cleaning the system.
• Ifyouencounterthefollowingtechnicalproblemswiththe
product, unplug the power cord and contact a qualified service
technician or your retailer.
• Thepowercordorplugisdamaged.
• Liquidhasbeenspilledintothesystem.