
ASUS M2N-Plus SLI Vista Edition 4-15
4.3.4 Primary/Secondary IDE Master/Slave
While entering Setup, the BIOS automatically detects the presence of IDE devices.
There is a separate sub-menu for each IDE device. Select a device item then
press <Enter> to display the IDE device information.
The BIOS automatically detects the values opposite the dimmed items
(Capacity, Cylinder, Head, Sector and Transfer Mode). These values are not
user-congurable. These items show N/A if no IDE device is installed in the
Primary/Secondary IDE Master/Slave [Auto]
Select [Auto] to automatically detect an IDE hard disk drive. If automatic detection
is successful, the BIOS automatically lls in the correct values for the remaining
elds on this sub-menu. If the hard disk was already formatted on a previous
system, the setup BIOS may detect incorrect parameters. Select [Manual] to
manually enter the IDE hard disk drive parameters. If no drive is installed select
[None]. Conguration options: [None] [Auto] [Manual]
Access Mode [Auto]
The default [Auto] allows automatic detection of an IDE hard disk drive.
Select [CHS] for this item if you set the IDE Primary Master/Slave to [Manual].
Conguration options: [CHS] [LBA] [Large] [Auto]
Before attempting to congure a hard disk drive, make sure you have the
correct conguration information supplied by the drive manufacturer. Incorrect
settings may cause the system to fail to recognize the installed hard disk.
Phoenix-AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
Select Menu
Item Specic Help
Press [Enter] to
Primary IDE Master
Primary IDE Master [Auto]
Access Mode [Auto]
Capacity 0 GB
Cylinder 0
Head 0
Sector 0
PIO Mode [Auto]
UDMA Mode [Auto]
Transfer Mode None
F1:Help ↑↓ : Select Item -/+: Change Value F5: Setup Defaults
ESC: Exit →←: Select Menu Enter: Select SubMenu F10: Save and Exit