3. The utility will copy the current system BIOS by default to the oppy
disk. Make sure that the oppy disk has at least 600KB of free disk
space and is not write-protected.
A:\>afudos /oMYBIOS03.ROM
AMI Firmware Update Utility - Version 1.10
Copyright (C) 2002 American Megatrends, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reading ash ..... done
When the copy process is complete, the utility returns to the DOS
2.1.4 Using ASUS EZ Flash 2 to update the BIOS
The ASUS EZ Flash 2 feature allows you to easily update the BIOS without
having to go through the long process of booting from a diskette and using
a DOS-based utility. The EZ Flash 2 is built-in the BIOS rmware so it is
accessible by simply pressing <Alt + F2> during the Power-On Self Tests
To update the BIOS using ASUS EZ Flash 2:
1. Go to the ASUS website (www.asus.com) and download the latest
BIOS le for your motherboard.
2. Save the BIOS le to a oppy disk or a USB ash disk then restart your
3. You can launch the EZ Flash 2 in two ways:
(1) Insert the oppy disk or USB ash disk that contains the BIOS le
into the oppy disk drive or the USB port.
Press <Alt> + <F2> during POST to display the following.
ASUSTek EZ Flash 2 BIOS ROM Utility V3.02
FLASH TYPE: Winbond W39V040FC F
VER: 0116
DATE: 01/10/07
Current ROM
Update ROM
BOARD: Unknown
VER: Unknown
DATE: Unknown
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