ASUS P5PL2 4-21
Memory Voltage [Auto]
Allows you to select the DDR2 reference voltage.
Configuration options: [Auto] [1.80V] [1.90V] [1.95V] [2.00V]
Refer to the DDR2 documentation before adjusting the memory voltage.
Setting a very high memory voltage may damage the memory module(s)!
CPU VCore Voltage [Auto]
Allows you to select the CPU VCore voltage. Configuration options: [Auto]
[1.5500V] [1.5375V] [1.5250V] [1.5125V] [1.5000V] [1.4875V]
[1.4750V] [1.4625V] [1.4500V] [1.4375V] [1.4250V] [1.4125V]
[1.4000V] [1.3875V] [1.3750V] [1.3625V] [1.3500V] [1.3375V]
[1.3250V] [1.3125V] [1.3000V][1.2875V] [1.2750V] [1.2625V]
[1.2500V] [1.2375V] [1.2250V] [1.2125V] [1.2000V] [1.1875V]
[1.1750V] [1.1625V] [1.1500V] [1.1375V]
Refer to the CPU documentation before setting the CPU Vcore voltage.
Setting a high Vcore voltage may damage the CPU!
FSB Termination Voltage [Auto]
Allows you to select the front side bus termination voltage.
Configuration options: [Auto] [1.20V] [1.30V]
MCH Chipset Voltage [Auto]
Allows you to set the Northbridge chip voltage.
Configuration options: [Auto] [1.50V] [1.60V]
ICH Chipset Voltage [Auto]
Allows you to set the Southbridge chip voltage.
Configuration options: [Auto] [1.05V] [1.20V]
Setting the MCH/ICH chipset voltage arbitrarily may damage the chipset!
We recommend that you set these items to the default [Auto].
The following item appears only when the AI Overclocking item is set to
[Overclock Profile].
Overclock Options [Overclock 5%]
Allows you to overclock the CPU speed through the available preset values.
Configuration options: [Overclock 5%] [FSB888/DDR2-667]
[Overclock 10%] [FSB960/DDR2-800]
[Overclock 15%] [FSB1280/DDR2-800]
[Overclock 20%] [FSB1333/DDR2-667]
[Overclock 30%] [FSB1333/DDR2-834]