ASUS P/I-AP55TV User's Manual 85
All installed graphics modes in the mach64 accelerator can be viewed and tested,
by running the INSTALL program from the DOS prompt, or by running a diagnos-
tics program called M64DIAG.EXE. Do not run it in a windowed or full-screen
DOS box.
In the INSTALL program, select Test Graphics Adapter from the Diagnostics...
option of the Main Menu. The Test Graphics Adapter menu has the following op-
• VGA Tests ...
• Accelerator Tests ...
Any time you suspect there is a problem, especially during installation, run the
above tests. The information provided in this appendix will enable you to solve
most problems.
Because a typical computer system consists of many different parts, difficulties
may arise from a combination of items, from software or hardware installation, to
monitor compatibility. Listed below are several checks you can make to help deter-
mine what the problem is.
System Lockup
• If you are using a memory manager such as QEMM or 386MAX you need to
modify the command line in the CONFIG.SYS file so that the address of the
graphics device video BIOS, C000 - C7FF, is excluded. For example, add
"EXCLUDE = C000 - C7FF" to the command line.
• Remove all unnecessary boards.
• Disable shadow RAM.
• Ensure that the board is seated correctly and that the device has been installed
using the proper utilities.
• Try the device in a different system and reset to factory defaults using the
INSTALL program. If the device works in another system, the problem is
likely due to incorrect configuration.
A. Troubleshooting
A. Troubleshooting