
ASUS P/I-P55TVP4 User’s Manual 11
(System Memory)
2. System Memory (DRAM/SDRAM & SRAM)
This motherboard supports four 72-pin SIMMs (Single Inline Memory Modules) of
4MB, 8MB, 16MB, or 32MB to form a memory size between 8MB to 128MB. The
DRAM can be either 60ns or 70ns Fast Page Mode (FPM) (Asymmetric or Symmet-
ric) or Enhanced Data Output (EDO). SIMMs must be installed in pairs so that each
bank contains two of the same size memory modules. A new feature is the support
of Dual Inline Memory Modules (DIMM’s) when the SIMM sockets are not used.
Two slots are available for 3.3Volt (power level) Unbuffered Synchronous DRAMs
(SDRAM) of either 8, 16, or 32MB. Maximum memory of SIMMs or DIMMs must
be 128MB or less.
IMPORTANT: Memory speed setup is required through "Auto Configura-
tion" in BIOS Chipset Setup of the BIOS SOFTWARE.
Install memory in Banks 0&1 or Banks 2&3 in combinations as follows:
Bank Memory Module Total Memory
Bank 0 4MB, 8MB, 16MB, 32MB x2
SIMM Slots 1&2 72-pin FPM or EDO SIMM
(Bank 2 & 3 must be empty)
Bank 1 4MB, 8MB, 16MB, 32MB x2
SIMM Slots 3&4 72-pin FPM or EDO SIMM
(Bank 2 & 3 must be empty)
Bank 2 8MB, 16MB, 32MB, 64MB x1
DIMM Slot 1 168-pin EDO or SDRAM DIMM
(Bank 0 & 1 must be empty)
Bank 3 8MB, 16MB, 32MB, 64MB x1
DIMM Slot 2 168-pin EDO or SDRAM DIMM
(Bank 0 & 1 must be empty)
Total System Memory (Max 128MB) =
WARNING: Do not install both SIMMs and DIMMs at the same time or
else you will burn your memory. Previous motherboards supported both
SIMMs and DIMMs to be used together because there were 5 volt signal
tolerant DIMMs, but these memory modules are no longer produced.
IMPORTANT: Banks 0 & 1 must have the same size memory installed in pairs.
Do not use memory modules with more than 24 chips per module. Modules
with more than 24 chips exceed the design specifications of the memory sub-
system and will be unstable.