ASUS P/I-XP55TVP4 User’s Manual 21
7. Serial Port COM2 Connector (10-pin block)
This connector supports the provided serial port ribbon cable with mounting
bracket. Connect the ribbon cable to this connector and mount the bracket to the
case on an open slot. The serial port on the mounting bracket will then be used
for secondary pointing devices or other serial devices. See "Onboard Serial
Port" in Chipset Features Setup of the BIOS SOFTWARE for settings. (Pin 10
is removed to prevent inserting in the wrong orientation when using ribbon
cables with pin 10 plugged).
Onboard Serial Port Connector
Pin 1
8. CPU Cooling Fan Connector (FAN)
This connector supports a CPU cooling fan of 500mAMP (6WATT) or less.
Orientate the fan so that the heat sink fins allow airflow to go across the onboard
heat sink(s) instead of the expansion slots. Depending on the fan manufacturer,
the wiring and plug may be different. The red wire should be positive, while the
black should be ground. Connect the fan's plug to the board taking into consid-
eration the polarity of the this connector.
WARNING: The CPU and/or motherboard will overheat if there is no air-
flow across the CPU and onboard heatsinks. Damage may occur to the
motherboard and/or the CPU fan if these pins are incorrectly used. These
are not jumpers, do not place jumper caps over these pins.
Air FlowAir Flow
+12Volt Power Lead for CPU Cooling Fan