
RX3041 V2 Router User’s Manual
2.6.2 Special Application
Some applications require multiple connections, such as Internet gaming, video
conferencing, Internet telephony and others. These applications cannot work when
Network Address Translation (NAT) is enabled. If you need to run applications that
require multiple connections, specify the port associated with an application in the
“Trigger Port” out going port eld, select the protocol type as TCP or UDP, then enter
the public ports incoming port associated with the trigger port to open them for
inbound trafc.
ID Trigger Port Trigger Type Public Port Public Type Comment
1 47624 UDP 2300-2400, 28800-29000 UDP MSN Game Zone
2 47624 UDP 2300-2400, 28800-29000 TCP MSN Game Zone
3 61112 UDP 6112 UDP Battle.net
Trigger Port: This is the outgoing (Outbound) range of port numbers for this particular
Trigger Type: Select the type of outbound port protocol; it may be “TCP”, “UDP” or
Public Port: Enter the Incoming (Inbound) port or port range for this type of
application (e.g. 2300-2400, 47624)
Public Type: Select the type of In-bound port protocol: “TCP”, “UDP” or “Both”.
Comment: The description of this setting.
Enable: Enable the Special Application function.