1. Main Frame Assembly - Bolt axle rod assembly (14) between the vertical main frame (01) and the
horizontal main frame (02) with the axle posts on the bottom side.
2. Bolt leg support assembly (03) to the end of the assembled main frame assembly from step 1.
3. Starting at the bottom hole in the main frame assembly, first bolt the tape roller (07) into the frame, then
move up one hole and bolt the 22” support assembly (04) to the main frame assembly. Repeat this step
for the next level up, alternating the tape roller with the 22” support assembly in the next two holes up
provided in the main frame assembly.
4. Moving to the next hole up bolt a tape roller (07) into the frame, then move up one hole and bolt a 16”
support assembly (05) to the main frame assembly. Repeat this step for the next level up, alternating the
tape roller with the 16” support assembly in the next two holes up provided in the main frame assembly.
5. Position Wheel Assembly (06) on both sides of axle rod assembly (14) (Secure with washer, then wheel,
then another washer and secure with cotter pin, as shown in FIGURE 1 below. Spread the cotter pin to
secure permanently.
6. Attach the two 22” Cutting Blade Assemblies (08) to the two 22” support assemblies (04), starting at the
bottom. Be sure that the cutting teeth are facing the outside of the unit and facing down. Repeat this step
for the next level up. Be careful as the cutting edge is sharp.
7. Attach the two 16” cutting blade assemblies (09) to the two 16” support assemblies (05). Be sure that the
cutting teeth are facing the outside of the unit and facing down. Repeat this step for the next top level. Be
careful as the cutting edge is sharp.
8. Starting with the bottom level, place 2 sets of slide rings, washers, springs and washers (as shown in
figure 2) along each 22” Paper Roller Assembly (10) rod. Attach the long, thin spring to the underside of
the 22” cutter assembly by hooking one end of the spring onto the tab at one end and carefully stretching
the spring to the other tab and securing the loop in the spring around it. Repeat this step for each paper
roller and cutter assembly.
9. Place plastic caps on the ends of each support and each leg.