Cascaded Physical Interface Installations:
Under Physical Interface Expansion, KH0116s are cascaded down from the
KM0216 / KM0432. Since the OSD protocols are different, there are separate
OSDs for each. When you invoke the OSD (see p. 35), the KM0216 / KM0432
OSD screen comes up first. When you select the port that the target KH0116 is
connected to, its OSD screen replaces the KM0216 / KM0432’s, and you can
select the computer you want to access from the KH0116 OSD screen. Aside
from this difference, the port numbering follows the examples shown above.
User Management and Security
The KM0216 / KM0432 permits the creation of 6 operator profiles when the
switch is either on a stand alone installation or is the Master switch of a
multilevel installation, as follows:
w 1 Super Administrator
w 1 Administrator
w 4 Users
On a single stage installation, two (KM0216) or four (KM0432) operators have
simultaneous and independent control of 16 or 32 computers. In a daisy
chained installation, a maximum of 16 or 32 operators can access the chain
simultaneously (8 KM0216s x 2 operators each; or 8 KM0432s x 4 operators
each). Each Slave KM0216 / KM0432 also has 6 operator profiles, as above.
Note: 1. When a Super Administrator logs in on a Slave unit his authority only
governs the segment he logs in on - just like an ordinary
2. Operator profiles are different from actual operators. The KM0216 /
KM0432 has two / four console ports and allows two or four actual
operators to access the switch simultaneously. Operator profiles specify
the rights assigned to particular operators. Theoretically, one operator
can use the same operator profile to occupy all the console ports.
The Super Administrator has administrative power over the whole chain, he
can assign and change passwords and access rights for all operators on all
segments (see SET USERNAME AND PASSWORD, p. 42, and SET