To directly select a second stage port, enter this combination:
Where the first # represents the port number on the first stage switch, and the second # represents the port number on the
second stage switch that the computer you wish to access is attached to.
To directly select a third stage port, enter this combination:
Where the first # represents the port number on the first stage switch, the second # represents the port number on the
second stage switch, and the third # represents the port number on the third stage switch that the computer you wish to
access is attached to.
Note: # is a digit between 1 and 6 for a CS-106; 1 and 4 for a CS-104; and 1 and 2 for a CS-102/CS-122.
4. Hot Key Summary:
Hot Key functions are summarized in the table, below:
Results For Correct Hot Keys*
Ÿ Filters out the Hot Keys and beeps once
Ÿ Scans powered on computers one by one and flashes corresponding LED
Ÿ Scan rate is set by the DIP switch of the 1st stage CS-104
Ÿ Pressing the Space bar stops this mode
Ÿ Filters out the Hot Keys and beeps once
Ÿ [RightShift] selects a higher numbered computer
Ÿ [LeftShift] selects a lower numbered computer
Ÿ Pressing the Space bar stops this mode
Ÿ Filters out the Hot Keys and beeps once for a ready port; otherwise, beeps twice
Ÿ Switches to the selected port