Chapter 3
Manual Operation
You can conveniently operate the CE680 / CE690 by pressing the pushbuttons
located on the unit’s front panel.
Select an Operating Mode (page 16) by pressing the Operation Mode
Pushbutton. The Remote Unit also has a pushbutton for waking up a PC on the
local site (page 18). The LEDs on the front panel indicate the operating status
of the device (page 19).
Operating Modes
The CE680 / CE690 DVI Optical KVM Extender has three operating modes –
Local, Auto, and Remote, as described in the table below:
Mode Description
Local Only the local console has KVM access. The remote console’s
keyboard and mouse input is disabled.
Auto Both the local and remote consoles can have KVM access, but
not at the same time. The console without access has to wait
until the console with access stops inputting data before it can
gain access. The default operating mode is Auto.
Remote Only the remote console has KVM access. Remote mode can
only occur when the CE680L / CE690L is set to Auto and the
local console is idle.