CM1164 RS-232 Control Tool
PiP Mode Commands
Some available formulas for PiP Mode commands are as follows:
1. Command + Config1 + Config2 + Config3 + Config4 + Config5 + [Enter]
For example, to set Picture in Picture Dual Mode on Output Channel 1 to Input
Port 1, type the following:
pip2 c1p1 [Enter]
2. Command + Config1 + [Enter]
For example, to Enable Channel Scan for Picture in Picture Triple Mode, type
the following:
pip3 c2scanon [Enter]
Note: 1. Each command string can be separated with a space.
2. The Port Number command string can be skipped, and the default
value will be used.
cxalphaoff Disable channel alpha mode, x= 2~4
(Channel ID)
Example: c3alphaoff
cxsy Change the channel size
c: Change channel, x= 2~4 (Channel ID),
s: Size, pip3~4: y= 1~3(size),
pip2: y= 1~4(size)
Example: c2s1
pbpon Enable pbp mode
pbpoff Disable pbp mode
Execute Description
save Save setting to KVM switch
default Reset settings to default
Example: pip2= c1p1 c2p2
Example: pip3= c1p1 c2p2 c3p3
Example: pip4= c1p1 c2p2 c3p3 c4p4
Enter Description
Enter Enter and send out command
Config Description