Refer to the installation diagram on the next page as you
perform the following:
1. Plug your keyboard, monitor and mouse into their ports on
the CS-64U. The keyboard and mouse ports are labeled with
an icon to distinguish them.
Note: When using a wireless composite keyboard and
mouse, its USB cable must plug into the CS-64U’s
keyboard port for the hotkeys to function.
2. Plug your speakers into the CS-64U’s speaker jack.
3. Plug the USB, video, and speaker connectors of the
attached KVM cables into their respective ports on the
computer you are installing.
Note: The computer attached to the cable with one dot at
its base is the Port 1 computer; the computer
attached to the cable with two dots at its base is the
Port 2 computer, etc. (see p. 7 for hotkey port
4. Turn on the power to the computers.
Note: The CS-64U’s Power On default is to link to the first
computer you turn on.
- 5 -
1. Make sure that power to all the devices you will
be connecting up has been turned off. You must
unplug the power cords of any computers that
have the Keyboard Power On function.
2. Make sure that all devices on the installation are
properly grounded.