KH0116 Connection Table
The following table indicates the relationship between the number of KH0116
units and the number of computers that they control:
OSD Factory Default Settings
1 1 - 16 9 129 - 144 17 257 - 272 25 385 - 400
2 17 - 32 10 145 - 160 18 273 - 288 26 401 - 416
3 33 - 48 11 161 - 176 19 289 - 304 27 417 - 432
4 49 - 64 12 177 - 192 20 305 - 320 28 433 - 448
5 65 - 80 13 193 - 208 21 321 - 336 29 449 - 464
6 81 - 96 14 209 - 224 22 337 - 352 30 465 - 480
7 97- 112 15 225 - 240 23 353 - 368 31 481 - 496
8 113 - 128 16 241 - 256 24 369 - 384 32 497 - 512
Setting Default
OSD Hotkey [Scroll Lock] [Scroll Lock]
Port ID Display Position Upper Right Corner
Port ID Display Duration 3 Seconds
Port ID Display Mode The Port Number plus the Port Name
Scan Duration 5 Seconds
Scan/Skip Mode All
Screen Blanker 0 (Disabled)
Logout Timeout 0 (Disabled)
Beeper Y (Activated)
Accessible Ports F (Full) For all Users on all Ports