Chapter 5. Browser Login
Web Page Layout
The General Dialog Box
An explanation of the dialog box fields is given in the table below:
Field Purpose
Device Name To make it easier to manage installations that have more than
one KH1508i / KH1516i, each one can be given a name. The
name that was assigned by the administrator to this unit displays
MAC Address The KH1508i / KH1516i's MAC Address displays here.
Firmware Version Indicates the KH1508i / KH1516i's current firmware version
level. New versions of the KH1508i / KH1516i's firmware can be
downloaded from our website as they become available. See
Upgrading the Browser Firmware, page 56, for details.
Network Transfer
Displays the currently selected rate for data transmission. The
network transfer rate is administrator selectable – see Network
Transfer Rate, page 71.
Reset on exit To save any configuration/administration changes that you have
made in the KH1508i / KH1516i's OSD, place a check here to
have the KH1508i / KH1516i implement the changes you have
made and reset itself when you log out.
Note: This checkbox is only enabled for users who have
administration privileges.
Last IP from DHCP
Displays the current IP address of the KH1508i / KH1516i.