Chapter 4. OSD Operation
Port Access
Clicking Port Access in the User Management dialog brings up a screen similar
to the one below. All ports on the installation, including those of cascaded
switches, are shown in the dialog box. (If necessary, collapsed switch icons can
be expanded to view their ports.)
The port access function allows an administrator to define the selected user's
access to the computers on a port-by-port basis.
For each user account, select a port and double-click on its port access type to
cycle through the choices:
Full: The user can view the remote screen and can perform operations
on the remote system from his keyboard and monitor.
View: The user can only view the remote screen, but cannot perform
any operations on it.
None: No access rights. The port will not show up on the user's list on
the Main Screen.
Repeat until access rights have been set for all the ports. The default is Full for
all users on all ports.