Chapter 6. Windows Client Port Operation
The meanings of the video adjustment options are given in the table below:
Option Usage
Screen Position Adjust the horizontal and vertical position of the remote
computer window by Clicking the Arrow buttons.
Auto-Sync Click Auto-Sync to have the function detect the vertical and
horizontal offset values of the remote screen and automatically
synchronize it with the local screen.
If the local and remote mouse pointers are out of sync, in most
cases, performing this function will bring them back into sync.
Note: This function works best with a bright screen.
If you are not satisfied with the results, use the Screen Position
arrows to position the remote display manually.
RGB Drag the slider bars to adjust the RGB (Red, Green, Blue)
values. When an RGB value is increased, the RGB component
of the image is correspondingly increased.
If you enable Set to Grayscale, the remote video display is
changed to grayscale.
Gamma This section allows you to adjust the video display's gamma
level. This function is discussed in detail in the next section,
Gamma Adjustment.
Video Quality Drag the slider bar to adjust the overall Video Quality. Values can
be from 20 to 100. The larger the value, the clearer the picture
and the more video data goes through the network. Depending
on the network bandwidth, a high value may adversely effect
response time.
Enable Refresh The KL9108 / KL9116 can redraw the screen every 1 to 99
seconds, eliminating unwanted artifacts from the screen. Select
Enable Refresh and enter a number from 1 through 99. The
KL9108 / KL9116 will redraw the screen at the interval you
specify. This feature is disabled by default. Click to put a check
mark in the box next to Enable Refresh to enable this feature.
Color Depth Control This setting adjusts the amount of color information for the video
data sent over the network. The richer the color, the greater the
data. For slow data connections, drag the slider bar to a lower
setting to decrease the amount of video data transferred. This
ensures screen refresh at workable speeds.
Transparency Adjusts the transparency of the toolbars displayed by the
Windows and Java Client applications. Slide the bar until the
display in the Demo window is to your liking.