
Chapter 6. Port Access
Power Management
If a PN0108 is connected to the KVM Over the NET™ switch, and a device is
connected to one of the PN0108’s outlets, you can power manage (On, Off,
Reboot) selected outlets directly from this page, instead of having to select
them on the PON device, itself.
Note: This section only appears if a PN device is connected.
Associating outlets with a port is accomplished on the Port Access
Power Management page (see page 122 for details).
If there is more than one outlet associated with this port, click on the line
entry to select the one you want to manage, then click the On, Off, or
Reboot icon, as appropriate.
Note: For the Reboot option, the outlet must be configured with System
After AC Back or Modem Ring Resume as its operating mode.
If there is more than one outlet associated with this port, and you want to
power manage several of them at once, use Shift-Click (for a sequential
set), or Ctrl-Click (for a non-sequential set) to select your group.
If there is more than one outlet associated with this port, and you want to
power manage all of them at once, click to put a checkmark in the Select
All checkbox.
Note: 1. Even though the outlets all turn On, Off, or Reboot at the same
time, they do so with their own separate outlet configuration
settings (delay, operating mode, etc. See Port Configuration,
page 119 for details).
2. For the Reboot option, the outlet must be configured with System
After AC Back or Modem Ring Resume as its operating mode.
The Synchronization checkbox is read only. Whether it is enabled or not is
set on the Port Configuration
Power Management page (see page 119).
When Synchronization is enabled, the outlets on devices with more than
one power supply can all be operated at the same time.
Note: For the Reboot option, the outlets must be configured with System
After AC Back as the operating mode.