KVM Over the NET™ User Manual
Deleting Filters
To delete a filter, select it in the IP Filter and/or MAC Filter list boxes and click
Login String
The Login String entry field lets the super administrator specify a login string
(in addition to the IP address) that users must include when accessing the KVM
Over the NET
switch with a browser. For example:
The following characters are allowed:
0–9 a–z A–Z ~ ! @ $ ^ & * ( ) _ + ‘ - = [ ] { } ; ’ < > , . |
The following characters are not allowed:
% ” : / ? # \ [Space]
Compound characters (É Ç ñ ... etc.)
Note: 1. There must be a forward slash between the IP address and the string.
2. If no login string is specified here, anyone will be able to access the
KVM Over the NET
switch login page using the IP address alone.
This makes your installation less secure.
For security purposes, we recommend that you change this string occasionally.
Account Policy
In the Account Policy section, system administrators can set policies governing
usernames and passwords. Check a policy and enter the required information
in the appropriate fields.
Item Description
Minimum Username Length Sets the minimum number of characters required for
a username. Acceptable values are from 1–16.
Minimum Password Length Sets the minimum number of characters required for
a password. Acceptable values are from 0–16.
Password Must Contain At Least Checking any of these items requires users to include
at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter or
one number in their password.
Note: This policy does not affect existing user
accounts. Only new user accounts created after this
policy has been enabled, and users required to
change their passwords are affected.
Disable Duplicate Login Check this to prevent users from logging in with the
same account at the same time.
kn2124v-4132.book Page 136 Tuesday, January 12, 2010 5:08 PM