4. Phantom-S Software
3 Menu Click the File, Edit or Help menu to display the options:
Save: Saves the profile that is being configured.
Save as: Use the drop-down menus to select a Group
and Profile to save the current profile.
Import: Use Profile to import a previously saved profile
file (*.profile). Use Group to import a previously saved
group file (*.group).
Export: Use Profile to save a profile as a file (*.profile)
that can be imported. Use Group to save a group as a
file (*.group) that can be imported.
Exit: Closes the Phantom-S software.
Delete: Use Profile or Group to permanently remove
either from the system.
Rename: Select a profile and click rename to edit the
profile name.
Change Cover: Use to browse and select an image for
the current profile’s icon.
Copy: Use Profile to copy the selected profile and
paste it in another group. Group creates a copy of the
selected group as a new group.
Paste: Select a profile slot to Paste a copied profile
from one group into another.
Firmware Upgrade: Use to browse to select the firm-
ware upgrade file and click Open to start the process.
Keyboard Setting: Select the type of keyboard
connected for use. (default: US 104-Key)
Menu Language: Select the language you would
like to use for the software interface.
Beep Sound: Select On to sound a beep when a
configuration change is made via keyboard or
controller. Single Beep: Successful. Double Beep:
Set Mouse DPI: Enter the number that matches the
DPI specifications of the mouse connected to the
UC410. (default: 2000)
Reset to Factory Default: Resets all software
# Name Description Page