VS1814T / VS1818T User Manual
Switch Port
The available formulas for Switch Port commands are as follows:
Switch Command + Output Command + Port Number + Control
1. For example, to turn on output port 02, type the following:
sw o02 on
2. To turn off all output ports, type the following:
sw o* off
The following table shows the possible values for the Switch Port commands:
The following table shows the available command list:
Note: 1. Each command string can be separated with a space.
2. The Port Number command string can be skipped, and the default
value will be used.
Command Description
sw Switch command
Output Command Description
o Output command
Port Number Description
yy 01-08 port
l1 Local HDMI output port
* All output ports (default)
Control Description
on Turn on the display (default)
off Turn off the display
Command Output Port Control Enter Description
sw o yy
on [Enter] Turn on display for output port yy,
local HDMI output port or all ports
(yy: 01~08, l1, *).
sw o yy
off [Enter] Turn off display for output port yy,
local HDMI output port or all ports
(yy: 01~08, l1, *).