RADEON™ VE User’s Guide 25
Starting Windows
with Television Display Enabled
The television screen may become scrambled during the initial
logo display. This is only a temporary effect and
your television screen will be restored within a few seconds.
During start up, your RADEON™ VE will go through a
sequence of mode settings, during which your television display
will remain blank. This process takes only a few seconds and
helps program the television display.
Using a Monitor vs. Using the Television Display
Using your television for your computer’s display is ideal for
playing games, giving presentations, watching movies, and
browsing the Internet. However, the display on your monitor
may change or looked squashed. This occurs because the
display adjusts to fit the dimensions of your television. To
correct the monitor’s display, use the monitor’s control buttons
to adjust its display size and position.
Some single frequency monitors may not work with television
display enabled. If you experience problems when television
display is enabled, disable television display to restore your
monitor’s display.
Adjusting Monitor Display
The size of the display on your monitor may be smaller and not
perfectly centered when you have television display enabled.
These effects are caused by the changes required to provide a
proper display on the television.
Use the controls available on the Adjustments tabonthe
Monitor Properties page (accessible by clicking on the
Monitor buttonontheATI Displays tab) to adjust the display
on your monitor only. Click on the Television button to adjust
the television display only.