Chose a profile and click Delete button in order to erase an existing profile.
Click Edit button to change the selected Profile.
Chose a profile and click Activate button in order to selected profile.
Add a new profile:
Click Add button and chose Configuration tab:
• Profile: Name of profile, preset to PROF* (* indicate 1, 2, 3,).
• SSID: AP or Ad-hoc name.
• Cannel: Channel in use for Ad-Hoc mode.
• Authentication: Authentication mode.
• Encryption: Security algorithm in use.
• Network Type: Network’s type, including infrastructure and Ad-Hoc.
Click on Authentication and Security tab in order to configure wirless security
(please check 4.2.3 for more info).
3.2.2 Link Status
This picture is the link status page; it displays the detail information current connection.