Connecting an external Loudspeaker Box
On the rear side of the Atomic Reactors 50 112/212/50 and the 212/50 is a Output
Jack for an external Loudspeaker Box. The impedance should not exceed 8 Ohms,
use a professional loudspeaker cable not a guitar cable which can melt and burn.
The red push-b utton “Intern al O N /O FF” is there to tu rn the intern al lou dspeaker on
or off, when an external box is connected. This button must be turned on when no
loudspeaker box is attached.
Adjusting and replacing the Amplifier Tubes
The Atomic Reactor uses an internal bias adjustment for both tubes (6L6GC from
the Slovakian manufacturer JJ). When tubes from other manufacturers are being
used, a bias adjustment may be necessary to keep getting the maximum from you
Atomic Reactor. Do not think of doing this yourself; get a qualified professional
Service Engineer to do it. Inside the amplifier there are high voltages (up to 400
Volt) being used. If one of the tubes should fail always replace both tubes at the
same time. Always use a matched pair! The third tube is a 12AX7 (ECC83), which
takes over the role of the phase inverter. This tube is not suffer any deterioration.
All tubes should only be replaced by the same type.
Under the mains cable socket on the rear side of the Reactor, you will find the fuse.
If this should ever blow, replace it with same type: 1,6 A 230 - 250 V.
The warranty time is 24 months, starting from the receipt of purchase. This does
not include the tubes, which have a natural wear lifespan.
W e’ve saved th e m ost im p ortan t in form ation fo r th e en d
Get out and have some fun, make some good music and enjoy your new setup.
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