Check the items in your shipment against your copy of the order form.
Become familiar with your MERLIN system.
Make sure the items and quantities agree. Save the instructions packed
Review the figure of a simple MERLIN system configuration, opposite
with components; you may need to refer to them later. And keep the pack-
page, and note how components are related to one another.
ing boxes just in case you have to return components under warranty.
Get acquainted with the system environment.
Review the planning sheets you drew up when you ordered the system.
Confirm the voice terminal locations, and make sure the control unit loca-
tion meets the following environmental standards:
Operating temperature: 40-104°F (4-40°C)
Humidity: not to exceed 80%
Ventilation: Leave 6 inches of space above and to the sides of the con-
trol unit to prevent overheating. Keep the control unit away from sources
of extreme heat (furnaces, heaters, attics, or direct sunlight). Do not
stack multiple control units in rooms that are not air-conditioned; in-
stall them side by side at least 6 inches apart.
Airborne contamination: Do not expose the control unit to moisture, cor-
rosive gases, dust, chemicals, or similar substances.
If your control unit location does not meet these standards, your warranty may
become void.
The control unit and the cartridges it contains provide the power
and intelligence for all voice terminals and accessories.
Modular jumper cords connect the control unit to the jacks in the
jack field.
The jack field serves as an interface between the control unit and
the building wiring.
Building wiring ties the whole system together, connecting the
voice terminal locations to the control unit location.
Modular wall jacks connect the voice terminals to the building
Modular voice terminal cords connect the voice terminals to the
modular wall jacks.
Voice terminals
provide telephone functions and access to the ad-
vanced features in the control unit.
The network interface jacks provide connections to the local
telephone company lines.
Line cords connect the control unit to the network interface.
The ac outlet is the electrical power source for the control unit.
Modular jumper cords are identical to modular voice terminal cords.
They have different names in this guide to reflect their different functions
and locations in the system.
To comply with FCC regulations, notify your local telephone company of
the following before permanently connecting your system to their lines:
System registration number: AS 593M-13529-KF-E
Ringer equivalence number: 0.8A
Telephone numbers of the lines to which you are connecting your